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New Zealand Research Information System: Overview

Published: 27 Aug 2018

This document provides a high-level overview of the purpose, benefits and design of the New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS). NZRIS is an information hub where people can easily find information about research, science and innovation (RS&I) in New Zealand.




PDF, 762KB, 39 pages

Spotlight Paper - The looming impact of diminishing pruned log supply on regional economic developme...

Published: 5 Aug 2018

A paper outlining the importance of pruned log supply to wood processors in the Central North Island and detailing the decreasing levels of supply due to a shift away from pruned forests towards higher volume, lower rotation and lower cost structural sawlogs. The paper then speculates as to the impact of diminished pruned log supply on domestic sawmills and suggests possible interventions.




PDF, 260KB, 5 pages

Report of the Responsible Camping Working Group

Published: 31 Jul 2018

The Minister of Tourism set up the Responsible Camping Working Group in April 2018 as a partnership between the government, local government and industry. The purpose of the Working Group is to provide recommendations to the Minister of Tourism on policy, regulatory and implementation options for the improved management of freedom camping in New Zealand.




PDF, 144KB, 14 pages