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Energy factsheet

Published: 3 Jun 2020

The Energy Factsheet presents a high-level view of New Zealand’s electricity demand, oil stocks, retail fuel sales, and gas use and production. Using a combination of MBIE’s existing energy data and additional real-time or near-real-time indicators, this factsheet provides insight into how the country’s energy consumption habits have changed as a result of COVID-19.


PDF, 337KB, 4 pages

Manufacturing factsheet

Published: 26 May 2020

The Manufacturing factsheet presents novel and existing data sources to provide information on manufacturing's contribution to the New Zealand economy and workforce. This covers trade flows, workforce and essential services, sector performance and outlook, and the interlinkages of manufacturing across the economy.


PDF, 382KB, 10 pages

Transport factsheet

Published: 18 May 2020

A range of real time data is combined with historical data to understand the the transport sector in the Transport factsheet. This presents novel and existing data sources to provide information on workforce and essential services, trade flows, vehicle traffic, and connections for transport across the economy.​


PDF, 287KB, 9 pages