Academy for retention of Wahine Māori - Funding application
Published: 31 May 2021Funding Application for Academy for retention of Wahine Māori.
PDF, 1.2MB, 20 pages
Funding Application for Academy for retention of Wahine Māori.
PDF, 1.2MB, 20 pages
This briefing covers remaining topics from the discussion paper, including coverage, the bargaining process, dispute resolution and conclusion of an FPA.
PDF, 1.3MB, 37 pages
This paper describes the submissions on the Fair Pay Agreements discussion paper, focusing on the merits of the system as a whole.
PDF, 1.9MB, 25 pages
This paper provides an initial summary of the submissions on the Fair Pay Agreements discussion paper published in 2019.
PDF, 1.4MB, 35 pages
Evaluation of the Provincial Growth Fund undertaken by Allen and Clarke (12 March 2021).
PDF, 2.3MB, 44 pages
Briefing to Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs on the regulation of the retail payments system. The briefing includes a summary of submissions and provides initial advice on options for regulation.
PDF, 657KB, 32 pages
Provides an update on how grants and loans for Māori tourism business will be administered through STAPP.
PDF, 170KB, 4 pages
Seeks approval on the delivery agency and terms and conditions for STAPP and ITO loans.
PDF, 254KB, 14 pages
Provides an update of the additional design and implementation of the Regional Events Fund.
PDF, 231KB, 7 pages
Seeks agreement that the proposed loan scheme and loans to ITOs meet the public interest test.
PDF, 562KB, 6 pages
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