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Construction Sector Transformation Plan

Published: 20 Aug 2020

Paper seeking Cabinet’s approval of the Construction Sector Transformation Plan, which is a bold package of programmes that will be delivered by government and industry over 3 years to achieve the goals of the Construction Sector Accord.


PDF, 5.4MB, 62 pages


Regulatory framework for decommissioning petroleum infrastructure and enforcement - Strengthening th...

Published: 3 Aug 2020

Cabinet paper seeking agreement to strengthen the regulatory framework for the decommissioning of petroleum sector infrastructure and expand the current enforcement toolbox under the Crown Minerals Act 1991.


PDF, 798KB, 28 pages

Changes to ACC funding settings

Published: 24 Jul 2020

Cabinet paper proposing an updated funding policy for the Accident Compensation Scheme, changes to the Government’s appropriations for the Non-Earners’ Account, and to set levies for one year only in 2020.


PDF, 1.2MB, 20 pages


Residential Earthquake Prone Buildings Loan Scheme: Request from Kāinga Ora for an Exemption under ...

Published: 23 Jul 2020

Cabinet paper seeking approval for a section 183(1)(a) exemption under the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (CCCFA) for Kāinga Ora to administer the Residential Earthquake-prone Buildings Financial Assistance Scheme (REPB loans scheme).


PDF, 169KB, 10 pages