Further consultation on fixed line communications services (February 2017)

Submissions closed: 03 March 2017, 5pm


Following consideration of submissions on the Options Paper, the Government has now resolved a package of reform for fixed line services.

The discussion paper outlines the final approach for UFB fibre and the proposed approach for copper services, and seeks views on the new proposals for copper services.

We have also proactively published the Cabinet paper, Cabinet minute and Regulatory Impact Statement associated with the discussion paper.


The Government is reviewing the Telecommunications Act to ensure New Zealand has the right regulatory framework for communications networks to meet the future needs of consumers and businesses, and to help keep our economy growing.

In September 2015 the Government released a discussion document seeking views on our vision for the communications sector and how we can better regulate the sector in the future. On 14 April 2016 the Government announced(external link) a series of high-level policy decisions on the future regulation of the communications sector. On 12 July 2016 the Government released an options paper seeking feedback on the detailed design of the regulatory regime.