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The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is consulting on proposed rules to support a new voluntary modular component manufacturer certification scheme.
MBIE consulted on a proposal to extend the transition period for Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 Fifth Editions (first issued on 29 November 2021) for housing.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is consulting on proposed rules to support and implement changes to the Product Certification Scheme in the Building Act.
The consultation period on proposed changes to the occupational regulation of engineers closed on 25 June 2021.
This consultation closed on Friday, 28 May 2021. Visit the Building website for more information on the outcome of the proposed updates, and other upcoming changes to the Building Code.
This is the fourth public consultation under the biannual Building Code update programme.
We sought your comment on proposals to amend specific Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods for the November 2019 Building Code update.
The eight week consultation period for the proposed dam safety regulatory framework closed on 6 August 2019. These regulations propose to establish a nationally consistent approach that will protect people, property and the environment from the potential impact of a large dam’s failure without imposing undue compliance costs.
We are proposing major changes to New Zealand’s building laws, to improve the quality of building work. These are the most significant reforms since the current Building Act was introduced in 2004.
This is the second public consultation under the new biannual update programme.