Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board – Member
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About the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board
The Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board (the Board) was established under section 134 of the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board Act 2006 (the Act).
The Board’s purpose is to protect public health and safety in the carrying out of the restricted work undertaken by plumbers, gasfitters, and drainlayers. The Board is responsible for administering the registration and licensing systems of plumbers, gasfitters, and drainlayers and is responsible for setting the minimum standards for registration and ensuring persons carrying out regulated work are competent to do so.
The powers and functions of the Board can be categorised into registration, licensing, competence, discipline and prosecution. The Board’s functions are to:
- Administer the registration and licensing systems of plumbers, drainlayers and gasfitters.
- Set the minimum standards for registration and ensure competence and compliance for those carrying out regulated work relating to registered plumbers, gasfitters, and drainlayers.
- Maintain an online register, so the public can confirm that a plumber, gasfitter, and drainlayer is registered.
- Receive, investigate and hear complaints and, if need be, ensure that appropriate action is taken to sanction illegal plumbing, gasfitting, and drainlaying work.
- Provide information to the public about the registration system for registered plumbers, gasfitters, and drainlayers.
In 2023, the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board became the regulator of the Self-Contained Vehicle system.
The Board’s website has further information about the Board and its activities.
Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board(external link)
Board membership and responsibilities
Membership of the Board
The Board is comprised of ten members, a mixture of tradespeople and non-tradespeople, appointed by the responsible Minister. Members can serve terms of up to three years, and may be reappointed from time to time, but no person is eligible to be a member for more than nine consecutive years.
Under the Act, the Board consists of:
- two persons who are registered, or entitled to be registered, under Part 2 in relation to a class of registration that includes or involves sanitary plumbing or sanitary plumbing of a particular kind, of whom at least one must be a person who holds a current practising licence; and
- two persons who are registered, or entitled to be registered, under Part 2 in relation to a class of registration that includes or involves gasfitting or gasfitting of a particular kind, of whom at least one must be a person who holds a current practising licence; and
- two persons who are registered, or entitled to be registered, under Part 2 in relation to a class of registration that includes or involves drainlaying or drainlaying of a particular kind, of whom at least 1 must be a person who holds a current practising licence; and
- four other persons, of whom—
- one (but not more than one) may be a registered person; and
- one must be a person whom the Minister considers has appropriate experience in relevant tertiary or vocational education; and
- two must be persons whom the Minister considers are able to represent consumer interests.
The complete act is available at the New Zealand Legislation website.
Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006(external link) — New Zealand Legislation
Collective and individual duties of members
The collective duties of members are to ensure that the Board acts consistently with its objectives, functions and Output Agreements, and that the Board’s functions are performed efficiently, effectively and in a manner consistent with the spirit of service to the public, and in a financially responsible manner.
Time commitment and remuneration
The time commitment for members is typically 30 days per year. This is based on 8 formal board meetings, 12 hearing days and 10 days of preparation. Members receive a standard fee of $471 per day, plus reasonable travel and accommodation expenses.
Person specifications
Specific skills required
At this time, the Minister of Building and Construction is seeking candidates for one member role on the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board, who can provide the following skills and experience.
- A registered or entitled to be registered plumber, gasfitter, or drainlayer.
Additional skills, experience and attributes required
Ideally candidates will have the following knowledge of and experience in:
- understanding of government processes and governance experience in a board environment
- an appreciation of the responsibilities associated with regulatory or disciplinary bodies
- strong sector knowledge
- dealing with complex issues
- awareness of emerging technologies
- financial literacy.
Disclosure of interest
Before a person is appointed as a member of the Board, they must disclose the nature and extent (including monetary value, if quantifiable) of all interests that the person has at that time, or is likely to have, in matters relating to the Board.
Additional information
For further enquiries about the position, email: