Government investment in Māori research, science and innovation

MBIE commissioned an independent report that explores what funding has been invested in Māori research, science and innovation.

Feedback from the sector on the Te Ara Paerangi Green Paper highlighted the need for greater transparency of funding, particularly around adequate investment in Māori research, science and innovation.

MBIE commissioned MartinJenkins to analyse 2018, 2019 and 2020 data from various funding agency grants and investment funds and conduct in-depth interviews with funding recipients and other government departments. The report’s findings reinforced issues raised by the sector: The current system does not capture complete and consistent data on all funding for Māori, and that there has been generally low levels of funding of Māori research science and innovation activity.

MBIE is continuing to work closely with the sector to improve how the research, science, and innovation system gives life to the aspirations of Māori and honours the government’s commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This report and its recommendations will help MBIE improve funding processes and management.

This is the web version of MartinJenkins' report, commissioned by MBIE. 

You can download the PDF version at:

Government investment in Māori research, science and innovation [PDF, 3 MB]

Preface from MartinJenkins 

This report has been prepared for the MBIE by Donella Bellett, Natasha Kuka, Healy Jones, and Jessica Black from MartinJenkins (Martin, Jenkins & Associates Ltd).

For 30 years MartinJenkins has been a trusted adviser to clients in the government, private, and non-profit sectors in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally. Our services include organisational performance, employment relations, financial and economic analysis, economic development, research and evaluation, data analytics, engagement, and public policy and regulatory systems. 

We are recognised as experts in the business of government. We have worked for a wide range of public-sector organisations from both central and local government, and we also advise business and non-profit clients on engaging with government. 

Kei te āwhina mātau ki te whakapai ake i a Aotearoa. We are a values-based organisation, driven by a clear purpose of helping make Aotearoa New Zealand a better place. Our firm is made up of people who are highly motivated to serve the New Zealand public, and to work on projects that make a difference.

Established in 1993, we are a privately owned New Zealand limited liability company, with offices in Wellington and Auckland. Our firm is governed by a Board made up of executive directors Kevin Jenkins, Michael Mills, Nick Davis, Allana Coulon, Richard Tait, and Sarah Baddeley, as well as independent director Sophia Gunn and chair David Prentice. 


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Last updated: 22 May 2024