5. Funding to develop business R&D capability – Callaghan Innovation growth, student and project grants

Specialist picture – insights to the wider RSI funding landscape.

Note: Growth and project grants are historic grant schemes, no longer accepting new applications.

5.1 Low numbers of grants were awarded to Māori businesses between 2018 to 2020

Figure 11 RSI funding Maori

Figure 11: Proportion of Callaghan Innovation grants awarded to Māori and non-Māori, businesses, 2018 to 2020

Extra 2 RSI funding Maori

On average just 2.7% (82 of the 3,054) of grants awarded between 2018 and 2020 were awarded to Māori businesses.

Grants were awarded to 51 individual Māori businesses. This was 3.2% of all businesses, where a total of 1,571 individual businesses received grants.

17 Māori businesses over this period received more than one grant. Most received one or more student grants, and often a project grant.

5.2 Māori businesses have a similar experience to non-Māori businesses in the grant process – mainly positive with some administrative frustrations

Information held by Callaghan Innovation indicates that businesses who held growth, student and/or project grants in 2018 to 2020 had similar experiences to those of Māori businesses holding grants. Average Net Promoter Scores across these grants for Māori and non-Māori businesses match, at 9.6 out of a top score of 10.

A short review of this user experience shows all grant holders value an efficient, effective, and connected grants systems which sets all parties up well to advance R&D.

Last updated: 19 April 2023