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current work
Outcome Two: People are skilled and engaged in safe and fulfilling work

People need work that provides fair pay. But work is more than simply income; it can also give people a sense of purpose and allow them to develop skills, experience and social connections.

Outcome Two: People are skilled and engaged in safe and fulfilling work

People need work that provides fair pay. But work is more than simply income; it can also give people a sense of purpose and allow them to develop skills, experience and social connections.

Outcome One: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions

The world is changing and evolving at an increasing pace, and it is important that people, sectors and regions can adapt to ensure prosperity in our current environment, and as we prepare for an uncertain world.

Earthquake-prone building remediation deadline and other matters Bill has first reading

On Thursday 8 August 2024, the Building (Earthquake-prone Building Deadlines and Other Matters) Amendment Bill to extend the deadline for the remediation of earthquake-prone buildings had its first reading in the House.