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current work
Summary of submissions: Proposed changes to the NZSL Video Interpreting and Relay Services

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, with the Office for Disability Issues, asked for feedback on six proposed changes to help move to better, more modern video interpreting and relay services to help Deaf, deafblind, hearing-impaired, and speech-impaired New Zealanders to communicate with hearing-people over the phone.

Outcome Four: Value is sustainably derived from the natural environment

New Zealand’s natural environment is important to our sense of identity and has great cultural and recreational significance. It also supports much economic activity. Some of our biggest contributors to export growth, such as tourism and the primary sector, rely heavily on using the natural environment.

Outcome Four: Value is sustainably derived from the natural environment

New Zealand’s natural environment is important to our sense of identity and has great cultural and recreational significance. It also supports much economic activity.

Our year in review – executive summary

Some clear themes have emerged over the past year as we have put in place policies, projects and people to help us Grow New Zealand for All. We are operating in a fast-changing world and our economy must be able to respond as quickly. We need to be future-focused, innovative and collaborative to meet this challenge.