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Outcome Five: A dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections

New Zealand companies need investment and the right connections to be able to imagine more, produce more and achieve more for New Zealand.

Outcome One: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors, and regions

In the future, New Zealand’s economy will have a different mix of sectors, jobs and skills. We will help communities to adapt and to benefit from the changes as we move to a knowledge-intensive, low-emissions economy.

Outcome Three: Informed consumers and businesses interacting with confidence

By setting rules and defining rights, MBIE allows business to operate effectively while protecting consumers from harm. MBIE supports consumers, tenants, landlords, workers and businesses by

Outcome 5: A dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections

Aotearoa New Zealand needs a business environment that is dynamic, where businesses can respond to new opportunities and resources are allocated to their most productive use.