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Regional economic development

Government is investing in regionally focused initiatives to enhance economic development opportunities. Kānoa - Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit (Kānoa - RDU) has been established to support delivery of these commitments. We also have a suite of Regional Economic Activity Tools that present social and economic data on our regions.

Sector spotlight – Te rāngai hei arotahi: Mōkai Pātea Services, Taihape, Rangitīkei

Mōkai Pātea Services provide their community with holistic support in areas such as mental health, budgeting, and child protection.

Kaiāwhina Health Workforce – Kaiāwhina Hauora

With 11.6% of the Manawatū-Whanganui workforce being employed in Health Care and Social Assistance, this sector holds the largest segment of our kaimahi compared to any other.