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Proposed changes to NZSL Video Interpreting and Relay Services

The Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment, with the Office for Disability Issues, asked to help move to better, more modern video interpreting and relay services to help Deaf, deafblind, hearing impaired and speech-impaired New Zealanders to communicate with hearing people over the phone.

Declaration of anchor and direct fibre access services under the Telecommunications Act 2001

MBIE is seeking submissions on an exposure draft of regulations to be made under sections 227 and 228 of the Telecommunications Act 2001. The feedback from this consultation will be used to advise the Government on the final form of the regulations that identify the anchor services and direct fibre access service that the wholesale supplier (Chorus) must offer its customers in the new regulatory regime.

Pūtea me te Whakaruruhau | Funding and governance

Funding and governance are important aspects to building the picture of research infrastructure in Aotearoa. The insights gained from the data in this section provides a key input to address the enduring questions around how research infrastructure investments should be coordinated and what constitutes effective investment mechanisms