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Protecting taonga works and mātauranga Māori

Facilitating kaitiakitanga over taonga works and mātauranga Māori is proposed for future work in kete 1 of the whole-of-government approach to issues raised in Wai 262. This includes asking whether there should be a new legal framework to protect taonga works and mātauranga Māori and, if so, what that should look like.

Canterbury labour market and skills shortage data

This page provides the Quarterly Canterbury Job Matching Report and Skills Shortage list for the Canterbury rebuild and wider recovery. We are no longer producing the Quarterly Canterbury Job Matching Report.

Effectiveness of information disclosure regulation for airports

The 2018 Commerce Amendment Bill strengthens the regulatory regime for major international airports in New Zealand. This page outlines the milestones in our review of the airports regime including submissions and the main Cabinet documents.

The Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Act

The Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Act amends the Commerce Act 1986 to better provide for pro-competitive collaboration between businesses, while also deterring anti-competitive cartel conduct.

Foreign margin requirements for OTC derivatives

On 30 August 2019 the Financial Markets (Derivatives Margin and Benchmarking) Reform Amendment Act 2019 received Royal assent. The Act amends aspects of New Zealand law which impede compliance with foreign margin requirements for over-the-counter derivatives.