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Leadership, governance and risk

Our senior leadership team consists of the Secretary (Chief Executive), 8 deputy secretaries, and the Chief Advisor to the Secretary. They are responsible for MBIE’s organisational strategy, Te Ara Amiorangi, and the achievement of MBIE’s strategic outcomes, including the ongoing stewardship of MBIE, its people, systems and functions.

Outcome 4: Value is sustainably derived from the natural environment

Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural environment is important to the country’s sense of identity and has great cultural and recreational significance. It is essential to the economy and our way of life.

Te arotake i te tau nei | Our year in review

This report outlines significant activities and achievements across 2022/23. It reflects the efforts of our many kaimahi/employees, who are proud of the services and results they deliver for the people of Aotearoa New Zealand.