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Outcome One: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions

The world is changing and evolving at an increasing pace, and it is important that people, sectors and regions can adapt to ensure prosperity in our current environment, and as we prepare for an uncertain world.

Outcome Three: Informed consumers and businesses interacting with confidence

By setting rules and defining rights, MBIE allows business to operate effectively while protecting consumers from harm. MBIE supports consumers, tenants, landlords, workers and businesses by providing information and services. We help to set and enforce market rules and regulations across a range of areas, including the building and construction market and telecommunications sector.

Our organisation

MBIE is a large ministry entrusted with a big responsibility – to grow New Zealand’s economy and to share the benefits with everyone who lives here. MBIE is working towards delivering an integrated approach to both regulation and service delivery, leveraging our size and scope.

Our year in review – executive summary

Everything we do at MBIE is about Growing New Zealand for All. We recognise that a strong economy is one in which we use the skills, knowledge and time of our people in conjunction with our natural resources, and financial and physical capital to improve the wellbeing of current and future generations. We worked closely with Treasury to shape and deliver the Government’s Economic Plan which sets out the action needed to transition New Zealand’s economy to one that is productive, sustainable and inclusive. Our five outcomes outlined in our Statement of Intent show how MBIE aims to support sustainable economic performance and build an economy that improves wellbeing across New Zealand.

Outcome One: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors, and regions

In the future, New Zealand’s economy will have a different mix of sectors, jobs and skills. We will help communities to adapt and to benefit from the changes as we move to a knowledge-intensive, low-emissions economy.

Our year in review – executive summary

Some clear themes have emerged over the past year as we have put in place policies, projects and people to help us Grow New Zealand for All. We are operating in a fast-changing world and our economy must be able to respond as quickly. We need to be future-focused, innovative and collaborative to meet this challenge.

Outcome Two: People are skilled and engaged in safe and fulfilling work

People need work that provides fair pay. But work is more than simply income; it can also give people a sense of purpose and allow them to develop skills, experience and social connections.