Consultation opens on working with engineered stone

Published: 18 December 2024

There are health risks faced by people working with engineered stone and the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden is seeking feedback on options that would eliminate or reduce these risks.

Engineered stone is a popular kitchen and bathroom bench material used in New Zealand homes and businesses.

In its solid form, engineered stone does not have hazardous properties. It is the dust that is generated from cutting, grinding, or polishing engineered stone that has the potential to cause harm when it is breathed in usually over long periods of exposure.

People can give their feedback by making a submission, the consultation is open until 18 March 2025.

Have your say: Seeking your feedback on work with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica

Read the announcement from the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety.

Consultation opens on working with engineered stone(external link) —

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