Dr Derek Johnston reappointed to the Commerce Commission

Published: 18 October 2024

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has confirmed that Dr Derek Johnston has been reappointed for a second term as a Commissioner at the Commerce Commission.

Dr Derek Johnston has been reappointed to the board of the Commerce Commission for a three-year term, commencing on 1 November 2024 and finishing on 31 October 2027. 

Dr Johnston was first appointed in 2019 for his legal background in competition law and around significant commercial mergers and acquisitions, and for his breadth of experience across the energy, telecommunications, information technology and financial markets sectors.

During his first term as a Commissioner, Dr Johnston was Convenor of the Commerce Act Division, as well as a member of the Fuel and Part 4 (economic regulation) Divisions and the Commission’s Audit and Risk Committee. He has also been involved in the Commission’s market studies into the retail grocery sector and residential building supplies, along with many of the Commission’s statutory determinations, including competition merger clearances, authorisations, and determinations for regulated energy networks. Over the past two years Dr Johnston has also held the role of part-time associate member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to support strong connections between the two Commissions. 


The Commission comprises four to eight members appointed by the Governor-General. These members include the Chair, the Deputy Chair, the Grocery Commissioner and the Telecommunications Commissioner. At least one member must be a barrister and solicitor of at least five years’ standing. 

The Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs recommends Commissioners for appointment for their knowledge and experience in the fields of industry, commerce, economics, law, accountancy, public administration, or consumer affairs. The Telecommunications Commissioner is appointed following recommendation from the Minister for Media and Communications. 

Bio for Dr Derek Johnston

Dr Derek Johnston was appointed as a Commissioner in November 2019. Dr Johnston is a Commercial Barrister and Arbitrator. He has experience providing specialist independent legal advice in the company, commercial, competition, mergers and acquisitions, and financial markets law fields. He has been involved in advising on, and negotiating and documenting, a number of the most significant commercial transactions undertaken in New Zealand. Prior to joining the Commission, Derek held positions as the independent Chair of NZX’s Regulatory Governance Committee and Chair of the NZ Markets Disciplinary Tribunal.

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