Government announces successful Endeavour Fund 2022 winners

Published: 08 September 2022

The Government has announced that it has invested over $236.5 million in leading-edge research that will help to improve New Zealander’s lives through the Endeavour Fund process.

The Endeavour Fund uses an open, contestable process to select excellent research proposals that will provide the highest potential impacts across a range of economic, environmental and societal objectives. This year, 71 projects were awarded funding through New Zealand’s largest contestable research fund, Endeavour.

The Endeavour Fund invests in excellent research that has high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future economic performance, sustainability and integrity of our environment, help strengthen our society, and give effect to Vision Mātauranga.

The quality of the projects funded this year demonstrates New Zealand’s growing strength in applying leading edge science to help improve the lives of New Zealanders. Congratulations to the successful recipients.

Read more about the 2022 successful recipients

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