Government releases new Major Events strategy

Published: 28 August 2024

The Government has released a new strategy to ensure future investments in major events generate significant immediate and long-term benefits for New Zealand.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) Major Events Manager, Kylie Green says the new strategy reflects the important role major events play in supporting the Government’s economic development objectives.

“Major and mega events have the power to create meaningful economic and social change in Aotearoa New Zealand. This has been made evident over the past few years as we’ve successfully hosted a number of high-profile international events such as the FIFA Women’s World Cup, the women's Rugby World Cup, ITM Super 400 and World Choir Games," she says.

“This strategy will continue this momentum and contribute to enhancing our global reputation as a desirable major events destination, known for delivering world-class events that generate clear economic and social outcomes and enrich the lives of our communities,” says Kylie.

The new strategy sets out a vision for the Major Events Fund: that New Zealand is internationally recognised as a desirable major events destination, delivering world class events that generate economic and social outcomes, enhance our global reputation, and enrich the lives of New Zealanders.

It outlines 5 new investment priorities for the Major Events Fund that will help achieve this.

  1. Secure economic benefits.
  2. Drive international exposure.
  3. Build national pride.
  4. Enhance the reputation of New Zealand Inc.
  5. Advance government priorities.

“This new strategy aligns the future direction of the Major Events Fund with the Government’s priorities.

“Moving forward, we will continue to ensure we have a balanced mix of sports, arts and cultural events in our major events pipeline that will help us achieve the investment priorities of the new strategy,” says Kylie.

There are now 3 investment focus areas, or pathways for funding from the Major Events Fund outlined in the new strategy.

  1. Events that will deliver economic benefits to New Zealand.
  2. Sports events that contribute to our high performance sport outcomes and align with Sport New Zealand’s strategy.
  3. Events that create opportunities to profile and celebrate New Zealand’s national identity and cultures, our creative talent, ingenuity, diversity and adventurous spirit.

“This year’s ITM Taupo Super 400 in April is an excellent example of the national economic contribution major events can make to New Zealand, as well as the economic impact they can have for host regions,” says Kylie.

With an investment of $2 million for the Major Events Fund, the Supercars event had cost-benefit ratio of 1.14, meaning that for every dollar invested by the government, $1.14 was seen in return.

“The event attracted more than 3,000 international visitors to New Zealand, who stayed for 22,000 individual nights and spent approximately $5.8 million all-up,” she says.

“What’s more, the ITM Taupo Super was broadcast to 3.9 million people and social media content seen by 13.5 million,” says Kylie.

The new Major Events strategy and additional information is available on the Major Events website(external link).

Full eligibility and application information will be available from 1 September 2024.

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