Government’s plan for adapting to climate change

Published: 05 August 2022

The New Zealand Government has launched its first plan to support all New Zealanders to adapt, live and thrive in a more damaging climate.

The national adaptation plan (NAP) looks at the impacts of climate change with us now and in the future and sets out how New Zealand can adapt. It’s the first step in a clear direction for how we’ll adapt to the irreversible impacts of climate change and manage the uncertainty that it comes with.

The plan has over 120 actions and it responds to risks raised in the climate change risk assessment in 2020. Several actions to address these risks are already underway. There are reforms of the resource management, emergency management systems and wastewater, drinking water and storm water management underway alongside a review of the future for local government.

The plan also sets out actions to address climate risks across a range of outcome areas, including homes, buildings, and places, infrastructure, and the economy and financial system.  

Enabling Aotearoa's shift to a low emissions, climate resilient and high value economy that delivers a healthy environment and wellbeing for all is a key focus area for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

This national adaptation plan is the first in a series. Every 6 years, a new risk assessment will identify what needs to be addressed most urgently.

Visit the Ministry for the Environment's website.

Aotearoa New Zealand's first national adaptation plan(external link) — Ministry for the Environment

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