New plan to transform Aotearoa New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing sector

Published: 13 March 2023

A plan to accelerate the growth and transformation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing was launched in Auckland on 13 March 2023.

The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) makes recommendations to transform advanced manufacturing through increased productivity and higher-skilled, higher-wage jobs into a globally-competitive, low-emissions sector.

Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan

It has been co-created and is co-owned by business, unions and workers, government, Māori, Pacific peoples and wider stakeholders. It sets an ambitious long-term vision for the sector and specific, prioritised recommendations for immediate action to achieve that vision.

New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing sector employs more than 10% of the country’s workforce, accounts for 10% of GDP, 73.5% of goods exports, and 30.5% of business expenditure on research and development. It is the second largest employer of Māori and Pacific peoples and is important for the economy, jobs and communities in both regions and cities.

The Plan identifies 6 priority areas to accelerate transformation and growth within the sector:

  1. increasing investment in advanced technologies and processes to lift productivity and wages
  2. developing and attracting a diverse high-skilled high-wage workforce
  3. creating a leading sustainable, circular net-zero emissions sector
  4. improving understanding and perceptions of advanced manufacturing
  5. Making innovation, R&D and science work for advanced manufacturing
  6. Enhancing global connectivity and opportunities.

It's vision is for a thriving Aotearoa New Zealand advanced manufacturing sector of world-class creators, innovators and makers delivering quality products, sustainable solutions and intergenerational wellbeing.

It is one of 8 ITPs which have been created in partnership by business, workers, Māori, and government to increase productivity and performance in key sectors of the economy.

Industry Transformation Plans

New plan to increase productivity and high wage jobs across advanced manufacturing sector(external link) — Beehive website

More information, including the full Advanced Manufacturing ITP and Action Plan

MBIE media contact
