Reach for the stars with an opportunity to intern at NASA

Published: 20 September 2024

The New Zealand Space Agency is calling for applications from post-graduate students interested in working on NASA projects in the US next year.

Deputy Head of the New Zealand Space Agency Andrew Johnson says the New Zealand Space Scholarship programme offers students the opportunity to intern and work on space-related projects guided by NASA mentors and bring that experience back to New Zealand.

“Previous interns have gained hands-on experience in their fields of study and access to NASA’s advanced research facilities,” says Mr Johnson.

“It’s an invaluable experience for these students and the skills, knowledge and connections they bring home will help to strengthen and grow our science and space sectors.

“The New Zealand Space Scholarship programme is one way the government is helping to foster talented people working in space-related fields.”

The New Zealand Space Agency is looking for applications from post-graduate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Successful applicants will then be considered by NASA for 10 to 13-week internships at NASA’s Ames Research Center or Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2025.

Each successful intern will be supported by the New Zealand Space Scholarship which will cover return airfares to the United States and accommodation costs, plus an allowance for living expenses.

Apply now on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) online job application portal. Applications close on 27 October.

Jobs at MBIE

For more information about the scholarship programme, please visit the MBIE website.

New Zealand Space Scholarship

New Zealand has supported more than 20 students to undertake internships at NASA’s Ames Research Center or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 2018 through the New Zealand Space Scholarship programme.

You can find out more about previous interns’ experiences on the MBIE website.

Previous intern experiences

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