The Draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan released today for public consultation
Published: 01 June 2022
Advanced Manufacturing is vitally important for Aotearoa New Zealand. It is a broad and diverse sector and a major contributor to the economy, jobs and communities.
On this page
The Advanced Manufacturing sector has been prioritised for an Industry Transformation Plan due to its scale and the potential to significantly increase productivity, higher wage jobs and a globally competitive low emissions sector.
The sector:
- employs 10.7% of the workforce (248,400 people)
- accounts for 10% of GDP ($24.1 billion)
- accounts for 73.5% of goods exports ($44.5 billion)
- accounts for 24% of business expenditure on Research and Development ($649 million)
- is the second largest employer of Māori and the largest employer of Pasifika
- is an important contributor to regional employment and growth.
The Draft Plan
The Draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan provides an overview of Aotearoa New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing sector and outlines a series of actions to accelerate its growth and transformation.
A driving principle in the development of the Draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan is partnership.
The Plan has been created in partnership between business and industry, unions and workers, government, Māori and wider stakeholders, co-owning a plan to accelerate the growth and transformation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing sector.
Industry Transformation Plans are a key mechanism in implementing the Government’s industry policy, which seeks to grow and transform key sectors of the economy with significant potential to contribute to a high-productivity, high wage, and low emissions economy.
Public Consultation
The Draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan has been released for public consultation.
We want feedback on whether the Plan accurately captures the opportunities and challenges for New Zealand advanced manufacturing, and which initiatives in the draft action plan the public believes are most important, and whether other critical initiatives are missing.
A range of public engagement activities will be delivered over a 6-week period.
Further information, including the Draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan, workshops dates, and other opportunities to provide feedback are available in the links below:
Have your say on the Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan
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