Two more trails join the Ngā Haerenga Great Rides network

Published: 06 May 2022

More of Aotearoa New Zealand’s stunning scenery, culture and heritage and related activities are accessible by bike as 2 new trails join the Ngā Haerenga Great Rides network.

The Whakarewarewa Forest Loop Trail near Rotorua was officially opened today, and will join the network, along with the Lake Dunstan Trail in Central Otago.  

The Whakarewarewa Forest Loop Trail is a 1-to-2 day long, 33km, Grade 3 cycle trail within the Whakarewarewa and Tītokorangi Forests and surrounding areas. It’s a mixture of off-road single track, gravel forestry roads, and concrete pathway.

The trail and nearby carpark and mountain bike hub have been developed with support from a $7,090,000 investment from Kānoa, the regional economic development unit in MBIE.

Central Otago’s Lake Dunstan Trail will also join the network. The trail is 1 year old this month and was constructed with support from the NZ Cycle Trail Fund and local funding as part of a $26 million project to link all 4 Great Rides in Central Otago.  

The trail is a 44 km Grade 2-3 (easy to intermediate) cycle trail which connects Clyde to Cromwell. Interpretation signs along the trail tells the stories of social and economic changes in the valley. At Clyde the trail connects to the world-renowned Central Otago Rail Trail.

Cycling and cycle tourism are increasing, with recent research showing the increase is benefitting regional economies as well as the health and wellbeing of trail users.

Evaluation of the New Zealand Cycle Trails

Ngā Haerenga New Zealand Cycle Trails

Find out more information about the Great Rides Network(external link) — Ngā Haerenga NZ Cycle Trails

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