Updating Accident Compensation Review Costs Regulations

Published: 28 February 2022

MBIE is consulting on options for updating the Review Costs Regulations, which outline the costs payable to ACC claimants who seek a review of an ACC decision.

ACC Claimants who disagree with a decision made by ACC are able to have the decision reviewed by an independent reviewer.

ACC is required under the Accident Compensation Act 2001 to award to claimants some of the cost of taking the review, where the independent reviewer makes a decision fully or partly in favour of the claimant, or considers the claimant has acted reasonably.

The review costs are paid by ACC and the rates are set out in the Accident Compensation (Review Costs and Appeals) Regulations 2002.

We are consulting on proposals to reduce the current range of cost categories, increase the maximum amount awardable in each cost category, and on options for determining costs awardable for representation for claimants.

We’re keen to hear from you.

You can find the consultation document to read on our website, along with a submission template for you to complete if you would like to share your views with us.

Submissions are due 28 March 2022, 5pm.

Updating Accident Compensation Review Costs Regulations consultation page

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Email: media@mbie.govt.nz