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Government progresses consumer protections for three waters services 08 December 2022

The Government has announced the introduction of the Three Waters Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill today, which will ensure the future three waters system promotes consumer interests.

Renewable share of electricity generation at record high 08 December 2022

The renewables share of electricity generation for a September quarter is at its highest point since 1980, according to data published today by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Maintaining the pace for the great rides 07 December 2022

From the Far North to Southland, more than $934,000 has been confirmed for maintenance projects on the Great Rides of the New Zealand Cycle Trails, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment announced today.

Launch of Te Ara Paerangi – Future Pathways White Paper 07 December 2022

The Minister of Research, Science and Innovation has released the White Paper for Te Ara Paerangi – Future Pathways, which sets the vision and direction for the reform of the research, science and innovation system.

Govt welcomes final report on building supplies market study 07 December 2022

The residential building supplies market study was launched in November 2021 to look into competition in this sector and today the Commerce Commission has released its final report.

Funding Curiosity, Unlocking Potential across Aotearoa New Zealand 07 December 2022

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has today announced the 12 recipients of the 2023 round of Unlocking Curious Minds contestable fund.

Results from two surveys of the science workforce published 02 December 2022

Two survey reports published today provide insights into Aotearoa New Zealand’s research, science, and innovation workforce.

Govt releases vision for New Zealand’s digital connectivity future 02 December 2022

The Government has released a new 10-year vision for digital connectivity networks. ‘Lifting Connectivity in Aotearoa’ outlines a vision for the future of digital connectivity networks across the motu and sets an ambition to improve access to connectivity networks for more Kiwis.

Government supports more energy-saving projects to help more Kiwis save money 30 November 2022

Helping households to reduce their energy bills and make their homes warmer and more energy-efficient, is the key focus of a further 17 community projects receiving $1.7 million funding through the Government’s Support for Energy Education in Communities (SEEC) Programme.

Green recovery is an urgent issue, not just an option: APEC Economic Policy Report November 2022 25 November 2022

In 2021, during our Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) host year, we successfully proposed the topic of “Structural Reform and a Green Recovery from Economic Shocks” for the flagship APEC Economic Policy Report (AEPR). The report has been endorsed by member economies and published during APEC Leaders Week, November 2022.