National Construction Pipeline Report

The National Construction Pipeline Report provides the sector with a 6-year projection of national building and construction activity.

About the Report

The National Construction Pipeline Report provides a forward view of national building and construction activity over a 6-year period.

The report is based on building and construction forecasting by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ), and data from building economics consultancy Pacifecon (NZ) Ltd on known non-residential building and infrastructure intentions.

It includes national and regional breakdowns of actual and forecast residential building, non-residential building and infrastructure activity.

Benefits of the Report

The report gives the construction and building sector valuable information to help it plan for future demand.

The report’s aim is to outline a clear pipeline of building and construction work to support:

  • planning by all participants in the sector
  • scheduling the investment in skills development and capital equipment, and
  • coordinating construction procurement (particularly central and local government), which can lead to better scheduling of construction projects.

Aside from looking at residential and non-residential building work, the National Construction Pipeline Report also includes infrastructure intentions. These are of a non-building type such as roads, subdivisions and civil works and cover local government, central government and the private sector.


National Construction Pipeline Report 2023

Read the web version of the infographic document

Summary of key findings from the 2023 report

Construction activity returns to 2020 levels

Overall activity in the sector is forecast to experience a short-term decrease, returning to levels similar to 2020, and remain steady at that level before increasing from 2028.

New dwelling consents returning to more sustainable levels

The number of building consents issued in the last year suggest we have passed the unprecedented post-covid demand and are realigning with more usual levels of fluctuations.

Strong pipeline of work

The forecast value of non-residential building work remains steady over the reporting period, this is supported by recent increases and a projected value peak in 2023.

Strong infrastructure pipeline

Recovery from the extreme weather events in early 2023 and works to increase resilience throughout the country are key drivers in a projected increase in infrastructure works. The value of infrastructure work is expected to reach a new high in 2026 and remain steady from that point onward.

Key points by activity type


The report forecasts a reduction in residential building activity to a more sustainable level of demand that aligns with the sectors capacity to deliver buildings ready for occupation.

Over 200,000 homes are forecast to be consented over the next 6 years, almost half of which are expected to be multi-unit dwellings.


The report forecasts the value of non-residential building activity to reach a modest high in 2024 and remain steady and consistent throughout the remainder of the forecast period.

Commercial, education and health building activities make up 3 quarters of non-residential projects expected to start in the next year.


The report forecasts the value of infrastructure building activity to steadily increase to a new high in 2026 and remain steady at that new level, largely driven by the extreme weather rebuild and increasing resilience throughout the country.

Nearly all of the infrastructure projects expected to start in the next year are transport, water and subdivision activities.

Key points by location


Almost half of the building consents in the forecast period are expected to be in Auckland. The region is forecast to experience a decrease in activity over the forecast period, however, it will remain the largest market for building and construction in the country.

Waikato/Bay of Plenty

Overall building activity in Waikato and Bay of Plenty is expected to have small fluctuations. Non-residential activity is forecast to remain stable and the decrease forecast in residential activity is expected to be offset overall by the increase in infrastructure activity.


Infrastructure building activity in Wellington is expected to see good growth over the forecast period. The increased value of infrastructure building work is forecast to support the decreased value in other areas and allow the region to start and finish the forecast period with similar overall construction values.


Residential and non-residential building activity have seen significant growth over the last few years in Canterbury. Expectations over this forecast period see the region decrease overall to levels similar to before this growth. Infrastructure and non-residential activity is expected to remain steady with modest increases in infrastructure activity towards the end of the forecast period.


Building activity in Otago has been strong and consistent since it was separated from the Rest of New Zealand reporting category in 2020. In the short-term forecasts show a continued increase in non-residential and infrastructure building activity, all areas are expected to decrease before moving back into growth towards the end of the forecast period.

Rest of New Zealand

The 10 remaining regions in New Zealand are reported combined under the ‘Rest of New Zealand’ reporting category. Infrastructure building activity, largely related to the extreme weather events recovery and building resilience to future events, is expected to increase and support the regions overall given an expected reduction in residential building activity.

Previous reports

Future demand for construction workers

Last updated: 08 February 2024