Implementing a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation
MBIE previously consulted on the design and implementation of a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation. Consultation occurred between August and November 2023. A total of 11 submissions were received.
On this page
The discussion document was published as part of a package of consultation documents on New Zealand’s energy transition – alongside the Gas Transition Plan Issues Paper, the Interim Hydrogen Roadmap, Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system, and Developing a Regulatory Framework for Offshore Renewable Energy. Summaries of submissions for the other consultations can be found on MBIE’s website.
The summary of submissions contains an overall summary of the consultation feedback.
Read the summary of submissions report
Read the submissions(external link)
Work on the design and implementation of a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation is no longer progressing.
In August 2024, the Government agreed to act with urgency to reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration, with legislation passed by the end of 2024.
Learn more:
Urgent action taken to bolster energy security(external link) —