Annex 1

List of submitters

Submitter Type of organisation
Auckland Transport Local government
Auckland University Academic
Aurora Energy Distribution network
BlueCurrent Metering company
BlueFloat Energy Offshore wind developer
Canterbury University Academic
Carbon and Energy Professionals NZ Industry organisation
Community Energy Network Non-government organisation
Consumer Advocacy Council Consumer advocate
Contact Energy Generator-retailer
Drive Electric Industry association
Electra Distribution network
Electric Kiwi Retailer
Electric Power Optimization Centre Academic
Electricity Networks Aotearoa Industry organisation
Enel X Asutralia Pty Ltd Energy consultancy
Energy Link Energy consultancy
Energy Resources Aotearoa Industry association
Energy Sector Framework Industry association
Entrust Distribution network (Trustees)
Environment & Conservation Organisations of NZ INC. Non-government Organisation
Electricity Retailers' Association of New Zealand Industry association
Flex Forum Industry association
Flick Electric Retailer
Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited Industrial
Genesis Energy Generator-retailer
Geoff Bertram Individual
GNS Science Academic
Greater Wellington Te Pane Matua Taioa Local government
Greymouth Petroleum Upstream Developer
Helios Generator
Horticulture New Zealand Industry association
Independent Electricity Generators Association Industry association
Independent Retailers Group Industry association
Infrastructure New Zealand Industry association
Intellihub Metering company
Lodestone Energy Generator
Lyttelton Energy Transition Society Non-government organisation
Major Electricity Users' Group Industry association
Manawa Energy Generator
Mercury Generator-retailer
Meridian Energy Generator-retailer
Murihiku Regeneration Hapu
National Energy Research Institute Academic - Non-government organisation?
New Zealand Energy Certificate System (NZECS) Energy consultancy
New Zealand Geothermal Association (NZGA) Industry association
New Zealand Green Building Council Industry association
New Zealand Manufacturing Alliance (NZMEA) Industry association
New Zealand Steel Industrial
Ngā Iwi o Taranaki Iwi
Northern Energy Group Industry association
Nova Energy Generator-retailer
OMV Upstream developer
Orion Distribution network
Parkwind Offshore wind developer
Perception Consulting Energy consultancy
PowerCo Distribution network
PowerNet Distribution network
Public Service Association Union
Schema Consulting Energy consultancy
SolarZero Solar PV provider
Straterra Industry association
Taranaki Mayoral Forum Local government
Taranaki Offshore Partners Offshore wind developer
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Iwi
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga Iwi
Te Waka Economic development agency
Toitu Envirocare Energy consultancy
Transpower System operator/ Transmission grid owner
Unison and Centralines Distribution network
University of Waikato Academic
Vector Distribution
Venture Taranaki Economic development agency
Waikato Tainui Iwi
Wellington Electricity Distribution network
West Coast Regional Council Local government
Windy Quarry Zealandia Offshore wind developer
Wise Response Society Inc. Non-government organisation
Z Energy Limited Retailer