New Zealand Energy Quarterly

The New Zealand Energy Quarterly provides quarterly data and analysis on energy supply, demand, prices and associated greenhouse gas emissions. This page has the current edition.

Current Energy Quarterly publication

The current edition of Energy Quarterly is for the January to March quarter (Q1) 2024. It was released on 13 June 2024. The next Energy Quarterly will be released on 12 September 2024. 

View the data release calendar

Main highlights for this quarter

  • Natural gas net production decreased by 12% since March 2023, to 31.89 PJ. This is the lowest net production recorded since March 1985. Contributing factors to this were Pohokura field going offline for planned maintenance in March 2024 well as a continuing downwards trend in natural gas production. 
  • Reduced natural gas production had a direct impact on consumption with a 33% drop in non-energy use compared with March 2023, and a 31% decrease in energy use in the chemical sector. Driving this fall was Methanex, one of the largest users of gas in New Zealand reducing its production of methanol in response to less available gas supply.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation were 861 kt CO2-e, a 21.5% increase, compared with the previous March quarter. The increase was mostly driven by the increase in coal-fired generation. 
  • Renewable share of electricity generation remains high at 85.7% for the past quarter, equating to 9,044 GWh of net generation. 
  • Since March 2023, Solar and Wind electricity generation have increased by 51.2% and 43.4% respectively. The opening of Rangitaiki Solar Farm this quarter and the full commissioning of Turitea Wind farm in May 2023 contributed to the increased generation. 

Read the summary for this quarter

New Zealand Energy Quarterly March 2024 summary

Read the media release for this quarter

Natural gas production continues to decline

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Last updated: 13 June 2024