Minerals and petroleum consultations and reviews

This page provides an overview of current and closed consultations and reviews on minerals and petroleum issues.

In this section

A draft minerals strategy for New Zealand to 2040

The Government proposes to create a revised Minerals Strategy to 2040. We are seeking feedback on the draft Minerals Strategy. This is the web version of the discussion document outlining the proposed strategy, aims and methods.

A draft critical minerals list for New Zealand

The Government is developing a Critical Minerals List for New Zealand.

2024 Proposed amendments to the Crown Minerals Act 1991

The strategic and responsible development of New Zealand’s natural resources presents us with a unique opportunity to lift our economy through increased trade, productivity, and regional development.

2020-2023 Review of the Crown Minerals Act 1991

Between 2020 and 2023, the Government undertook a review of the Crown Minerals Act 1991.