Imported goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing duties
This page lists the imported goods that are subject to anti-dumping and countervailing duty in New Zealand.
Imported goods subject to duty
The table below sets out the imported goods subject to duty, our Customs instructions and the date the duties cease to apply.
Notes for the table
- Customs instructions: We instruct the New Zealand Customs Service on how to apply the duty. Customs instructions may include confidential information excluded from the instructions available here.
- Date duties cease: Anti-dumping and countervailing duties cease to be payable on imported goods 5 years after the final determination, unless they are subject to a review.
Description of goods | Customs instruction | Date duties cease |
Preserved peaches from Spain | MBIE/AD/R/2021/00 [PDF, 48 KB] | 24 May 2027 |
Aluminium-zinc coated steel from Korea | MBIE/AD/I/2021/001 [PDF, 48 KB] | 29 March 2027 |
Canned peaches from Greece | MBIE/AD/R/2020/003 [PDF, 84 KB] | 28 April 2026 |
Galvanised wire from China | MBIE/AD/I/2020/002 [PDF, 555 KB] | 12 March 2026 |
Galvanised wire from Malaysia | MBIE/AD/R/2020/001 [PDF, 422 KB] | 17 December 2025 |
Canned peaches from South Africa | E/009/CS003/001 [PDF, 105 KB] | 13 March 2025* |
* A full review of these duties was initiated on 12 March 2025. The duties will remain in place during the course of the review.
Last updated: 14 March 2025