Digital Technologies Industry Transformation Plan

The Government has closed the Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) programme. The Digital Technologies ITP was developed between 2019-2023. This page records historical information on previous ITP initiatives for reference only.

The Digital Technologies ITP was developed in partnership with industry over the past few years.

ITP vision: “The world looks to Aotearoa New Zealand as a leader in ethical, innovative, inclusive and sustainable digital technologies. These technologies enable our economy to prosper, help our businesses to grow stronger and compete internationally, and contribute to the wellbeing of all new Zealanders.”

From 2020, the digital technologies sector focused on government and industry working together to start implementing a series of activities to see the sector reach its full potential. Additionally, by accelerating growth of the digital sector, this ITP aimed to work towards a diversified, lower-emission, higher-wage and resilient economy in New Zealand.

The ITP set out 4 immediate focus areas:

  1. Growing export success – growing the export potential of New Zealand’s digital technology companies, with an initial focus on the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) sub-sector and game development.
  2. Telling our tech story – showcasing the scope and potential of digital technologies in New Zealand to both overseas and domestic audiences.
  3. Enhancing the skills and talent pipeline – equipping more New Zealanders, from a wider variety of backgrounds, with the technical and soft skills needed to work and thrive in the digital technologies sector, and to grow businesses in the sector.
  4. Enriching Māori inclusion and enterprise – promoting and supporting activity that enhances Māori leadership and participation in the digital technologies sector and appropriately builds on mātauranga Māori.

Data-driven innovation, artificial intelligence, and government procurement were identified as future focus areas.

A Digital Technologies ITP Partnership Board was established to support the ongoing implementation of the ITP, made up of a diverse group of representatives from industry bodies, sector leaders and government.