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Our Funding Partners
Outlined below are the Y2021 and Y2022 Māori initiatives funded by MBIE investing in the expansion of Māori economic development with the Industry Transformation Plans, creating partnership between business, workers, Māori, and Government.
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The scope of the Fund is to enable Māori to be the creators, owners and leaders of industrial transformation ensuring Māori are well placed in our transition towards a low-emissions economy.
The Fund is one investment mechanism available to Māori within a wider public investment system. The Fund is unique, in that its eligibility and scope is broad – targeting a range of research, science, business and innovation initiatives at a system-wide level across all ITP sectors.
Enabling Māori Framework Fund Funded Projects
2021 Fund Partners
Year |
Name |
Recipient |
Sector |
What |
Funding Awarded |
2021 | Te Pae Tawhiti | Young Enterprise Scheme | Agritech, Construction & Digital Technologies | Careers Expo for rangatahi to explore potential pathways towards in the Agritech, Construction and Digital Technologies ITP sectors across Aoteaora New Zealand. | $120,750.00 |
2021 | AWS Re/start Programme | Unitec Institute of Technology | Digital Technologies | A free 12-week programme which prepares learners for a career in cloud computing, with the aim of increasing Māori and Pacific Peoples participation in the Information Technologies sector. | $223,530.10 |
2021 | Programming Minds | Young Enterprise Scheme | Digital Technologies | Five two-day wānanga across Aotearoa to introduce 100 rangatahi Māori to learning the fundamental basics in Information Technologies, including: artificial intelligence, coding, programming and web development. | $345,000.00 |
2021 | Increased Māori Support | Massey University | Agritech, Construction & Digital Technologies | Programme designed to build the abilities of experienced and qualified staff to supply mentoring and support for tauira Māori who aspire to work in the Agritech, Construction and Digital Technologies ITP sectors. | $429,373.20 |
2021 | TORO Animation Programme | Callaghan Innovation (on Behalf of Toro Studios) | Digital Technologies | The Toro Animation Programme is designed to provide 27 Māori tech graduates with new skills in animation across various software platforms. | $468,725.05 |
2021 | Kōkiri | Callaghan Innovation (On Behalf of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa) | Digital Technologies | The Kōkiri programme is designed to equip Māori start-ups in the Digital Technologies ITP sector to develop innovative products that will drive business growth in New Zealand's economy by developing the capability of emerging Māori entrepenuers through mentorship and co-create a capable start-up business eco-system in the tech sector. | $250,000.00 |
2022 Fund Partners
Year |
Name |
Recipient |
Sector |
What |
Funding Awarded |
2022 | Ngā Tai Pari Ata | Ora New Zealand | Agritech | Ngā Pai Pari Ata was a programme designed to scale up Ora New Zealand, a rongoā rākau (plant-based remedies) and training provider. | $241,210.00 |
2022 | Tologa Bay Innovation TecHub | Tologa Bay Innovation | Digital Technologies | The TechHub is a shared multi-use facility for participants of the programme and members of the Tologa Bay community. The programme offers tech literacy, digital marketing and e-commerce training to participants and members of the wider community. | $138,500.00 |
2022 | Te Āhuru Mōwai | Kiri Nathan | Māori Enterprise | Te Āhuru Mōwai is home to the Kāhui Collective, a community of Māori fashion designers and entrepenuers that aim to grow together through the Kāhui Mentorship programme, which is designed to elevate the quality of Māori brands, products and raise awareness of cultural and ethical responsibilities when scaling-up business to commercial entry. | $630,010.00 |
2022 | Taiao Ora, Mauri Ora | Te Pu-a-nga Maara Charitable Trust | Digital Technologies | Taiao Ora, Mauri Ora aimed to reconnect Māori with their taonga tuku iho (treasures passed through generations) to support the revitalisation of local eco-systems and waterways around Auckland. | $284,615.83 |
2022 | Āhau Tātai Hangarau | Ahau NZ | Digital Technologies | Ahau NZ Limited was funded to conduct viability research to conduct the efficacy of their proposed Indigenous Digital identity tool that Māori can utilise to connect to their iwi, confirm they are Māori, to support recognition as company directors as well as improve access to Government and key financial Services. | $60,000.00 |
2022 | Oro Mauri | Komako Aroha Silver | Digital Technologies | Oro Mauri is dedicated to utilising western technology to cultivate and capture the sounds of taonga puoro (sacred instruments) and their healing properties by developing an app where users can customise their own healing tracks. | $266,558.60 |
2022 | Te Hanga Wāhi | Taiao Ora Consultants Limited | Digital Technologies | Te Hanga Wāhi is a project dedicated to creating an iwi space in digital realm of educational resources and exploring authentic rangatiratanga in data storage and management as the storehouses of our mātauranga. | $251,405.00 |
2022 | Protecting the Intellectual Property of Indigenous Media | Tohu Media Limited | Digital Technologies | Tohu media looked to protect intellectual property of indigenous media through creation of an AI-powered content system. | $60,000.00 |
2022 | Te Reo Tuakiri Hybrid | M3 Mindfulness | Māori Enterprise | Te Reo Tuakiri is a 15-week programme working across school communities where all learners are taught resilience skills to build school staff capability, empower rangatahi to stand in their mana as leaders through Māori pūrakau, Mindfulness and Movement (M3), and further pass their knowledge obtained to tauira tamariki (school children) at neighboring kōhanga, kura and primary schools. | $157,750.00 |
2022 | Mānawa Tuarua | Whare Hauora | Digital Technologies | Mānawa Tuarua connects with health organisation and their respiratory programmes to use sensor data to make changes in the home to increase respiratory health and decrease hospital visits. | $285,738.00 |
2022 | OHA - The Offering | Digital Technologies | Te Oha aims to improve and ground cultural competency and connectedness across the globe from Aotearoa via Online learning modules, Marae and wānanga based experiences to ground the online teachings, A digital platform to support on-going client engagement, the creation of a global community that fosters connectedness via indigenous and universal principles such as kai, māramataka and diversity of culture and language. | $60,000.00 | |
2022 | Te Huakairangi | Tiaki Limited | Digital Technologies | Te Huakairangi delivers industry certified, work ready Māori graduates into skilled technology jobs through a preparatory course offered in-school and an out-of-school apprenticeship, creating a vocational pathway from high-school to the digital technologies industry. | $150,000.00 |
2022 | Te Ara Waihiko | Ariki Creative | Digital Technologies | Created by Ariki Creative, Te Ara Waihiko began in 2017 with Rangatahi focused workshops, resource development and internships. In 2021 Ariki Creative launched a graphic novel and online resource. This project looked to further develop resources and reach from a local initiative to a national collective initiative |
$213,570.00 |
2022 | Ehoa (Formerly Wā) | Wāhine Marama Limited | Digital Technologies | Ehoa is an app-based hauora tracker aligned with the Māramataka to help users track their moods and behaviors to optimise their energy levels. | $374,104.79 |
2022 | Titans of Aotearoa | Koi Digital Limited | Digital Technologies | Titans of Aotearoa is an entertainment/gaming proposal that offers export potential to help grow the economic value of Māori digital enterprises over 10 years and beyond through interactive media: a weightless, exportable product that is globally scalable with few barriers to trade. | $318,000.00 |
2022 | Ko te Ao Pākihi, he Ao Koha | Indigishare Trust | Digital Technologies | This project aims to enable whānau economic sovereignty, through a platform that operationalises the tikanga of Koha. It is a mechanism by which Māori can start, pivot, or scale their pākihi through the collectivization of pūtea. | $352,906.00 |
2022 | Te Hāpori Matahiko | Social Good Tapui Limited | Digital Technologies | Te Hapori Matihiko is a digital Tūrangawaewae to support Māori in tech. Te Hapori Matihiko supports Māori empowerment in digital by creating a connection space online, sharing mātauranga, providing recognition, offering leadership, and creating hapori. | $521,570.00 |
2022 | NZ Bio Forestry | NZ BioForestry | Agritech | NZ Bioforestry sought to understand and contextualise the role and shift of the Forestry and Wood processing sectors towards low emissions: generating economic growth through sustainable forestry methods and diversifying and elevating the forestry workforce. | $60,000.00 |
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