Work with Māori to embed a tikanga-Māori-based framework into employment policy, and develop tools to implement the framework (MSD)
Explore the changes needed for the employment, education and training (EET) system to be effective and equitable for Māori (TPK)
Improve education outcomes for Māori learners, by implementing and reporting on actions in Ka hikitia – ka hāpaitia | The Māori education strategy (MoE)
Improve education provided on mātauranga Māori and te reo Māori (MoE)
Medium-term actions (2-5 years)
Explore how the EET system can intervene early for rangatahi and tamariki (MBIE, MoE, MSD)
Develop positive case studies that showcase the success of Māori students, workers, employers and business owners in various employment and training programmes (this includes Mana in Mahi, He Poutama Taitamariki, He Poutama Rangatahi and Oranga Mahi) (MSD)
Explore ways to incorporate te ao Māori values into new employment-support services for tāngata whaikaha (MSD)
Explore ways to identify and engage with rangatahi Māori who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) and connect them with support services (MSD)
Explore whether the current approach to funding and contracting employment services works for Māori, iwi and community service providers, and look at other options to enhance these funding and contracting partnerships (MSD)
Review the way that MSD works with iwi, hapū and Māori groups and how it empowers communities to achieve positive employment outcomes (MSD)
Ensure iwi, hapū and urban Māori authorities have information on the online career planning solution (OCPS), so Māori can access career-planning tools (TEC)
Improve training and employment outcomes for Māori through Te Pūkenga and Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) (MoE, TEC)
Improve careers education in schools and target support for rangatahi Māori (MoE)
Long-term actions (5+ years)
Incorporate te ao Māori values and community-designed success measures into monitoring and evaluating employment services for Māori (MSD)
Decide if kanohi ki te kanohi career services (such as Direct Career Guidance Services) should become permanent, if evaluations continue to show they are successful (MSD)
Improve data collection on Māori participation in employment services, to accurately monitor whether Māori are taking up opportunities (MSD)
Continue the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) and ensure the reform works for Māori (MoE)
Work with Taumata Aronui to design tertiary education and system settings that will respond better to, and improve outcomes for, Māori learners and communities (MoE)
Immediate actions (1-2 years)
Research incentives and barriers for employers providing flexible work, and how flexible work could benefit kaimahi Māori (MBIE)
Research how workplaces can be more inclusive for kaimahi Māori (MBIE)
Research incentives for employers to give kaimahi Māori lifelong opportunities to upskill, learn and develop (MBIE)
Work with BusinessNZ and the Council of Trade Unions to find ways to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) comply with employment and health and safety responsibilities (MBIE)
Remove barriers that kaimahi Māori face to access information about employment rights and responsibilities (MBIE)
Medium-term actions (2-5 years)
Review the employment dispute resolution system to ensure it is accessible and effective for Māori (MBIE)
Research what enables and prevents Māori having meaningful employment. This action includes tāngata whaikaha, Māori with caring responsibilities, older Māori, young Māori parents and Māori sole parents (MSD)
Improve access to childcare, to help parents and other carers take up mahi or education when they and their pēpē are ready (MSD)
Long-term actions (5+ years)
Consider whether tikanga Māori can be incorporated into employment relations and employment standards strategy, policy and operations (MBIE)
Immediate actions (1-2 years)
Accelerate iwi, hapū and Māori leadership of, and engagement in, future growth industries (MBIE, TPK)
Build stronger pathways and support for wāhine Māori entrepreneurs (MBIE, MfW, TPK)
Medium-term actions (2-5 years)
Embed best practice in government agencies’ core business, so that Māori businesses are just as able to engage in government procurement as non-Māori businesses, and ongoing support to Māori businesses is part of the procurement system rather than an ‘add on’ (MBIE, TPK)
Work with partners of industry transformation plans (ITP) on opportunities to help Māori businesses succeed and improve employment outcomes for Māori in the ITP sectors (MBIE)
Long-term actions (5+ years)
Research the barriers and enablers to Māori businesses (start-ups, SMEs) accessing support, by designing and implementing a work plan and communication plan with Māori business networks, regional economic development agencies and other business-support organisations (MBIE) Please note: This content will change over time and can go out of date.