Minister’s foreword

This Government is focussed on helping more Kiwis into work and giving them greater opportunities to realise their potential.

As the Minister for Social Development and Employment, I am pleased to introduce the Government’s Employment Action Plan.

My colleagues and I have produced this Employment Action Plan to set out how we are working together to achieve our vision for the New Zealand labour market.

This Employment Action Plan sets out the challenges and trends in New Zealand’s labour market, the Government’s vision to support people into work and lift economic outcomes and the key goals and actions within the Social Development and Employment, Education, Tertiary Education and Skills, Regional Development and Immigration portfolios to achieve our vision.

This Government has inherited some major economic challenges, meaning the labour market has not been delivering the results that New Zealanders deserve. That is why we are focused on improving outcomes for New Zealanders and giving them greater opportunities to achieve their potential. Our Government has set an ambitious target to have 50,000 fewer people on the Jobseeker Support benefit by 2030. We are committed to giving New Zealanders more opportunities to get ahead by supporting people off welfare and into work. Our economy is stronger when more people are in work and a well-performing labour market plays a critical role in delivering jobs and raising living standards for New Zealanders.

As well as supporting employment, our Government has set key targets that focus on achieving results in health, education, law and order, work, housing and the environment. Several of these targets directly influence the labour market and will contribute to delivering a more prosperous and resilient New Zealand economy.

The 12 actions contained in this Action Plan are a starting point for how our Government is taking action to support the long-term aspirations of Kiwis and create economic and social prosperity for current and future generations. These actions outline what we will do to lift economic outcomes, which are key to achieving our Government’s targets and ultimately delivering better results for New Zealanders.

Hon Louise Upston, Minister for Social Development and Employment

Hon Louise Upston
Minister for Social Development and Employment

August 2024