Health care and social assistance

Map mental health system

Co-ordinate the mapping of the mental health workforce ecosystem to understand labour market barriers and enablers in the sector.

Expected outcomes

Better understanding of where system improvements can support better outcomes for the sector.

Key stakeholders and partners

  • Toitū te Waiora (WDC)
  • Employers
  • Education providers
  • Government agencies
  • Unions/workers


A1: Capability uplift



Rangatahi mental health

Support the development of an holistic mental health plan for rangatahi, encompassing principles like Te Whare Tapa Whaa.

Expected outcomes

Wellbeing and mental health support services for rangatahi are mana-enhancing, accessible and timely.

Key stakeholders and partners

  • Toitū te Waiora (WDC)
  • Employers
  • Iwi
  • Education providers
  • Government agencies
  • Rangatahi


A3: Workplace change



Health and disability system review

Promote benefits of the Health and Disability System Review – Final Report – Pūrongo Whakamutunga, March 2020 – particularly with regard to initiatives that will improve services within the mental health sector.

Expected outcomes

Better uptake and local implementation in Canterbury of key initiatives that will have positive effects on service levels.

Key stakeholders and partners

  • Toitū te Waiora (WDC)
  • Employers
  • Iwi
  • Government agencies


A1: Capability uplift

A2: Workforce access

A3: Workplace change

