Co chair introduction
Welcome to the second edition of the Manawatū–Whanganui Regional Workforce Plan (RWP).
On this page

Trades training female student wearing a tool belt, earmuffs around her neck with one hand on a work bench and the other on her hip.
Nau mai, haere mai
Kua tūtuki, kua ea tō mātou whakarewatanga tuatahi o te mahere ā rohe. E tū poho kererū ana mātou ki te whakaatu ou mātou whakaaro mātua ki te tautoko ki te hāpai hoki I te tipuranga me te whanaketanga o ngā rohe o Whangānui me Manawatū.
Ma ngā tohu o te taiao I arahina matou me ou mātou whakaaro mo ngā tini ahuatanga kei mua i a tatou. Ma tēna, me whai tatou I ngā tauiratanga o te wa. Tihei Mauri Ora
Continuing from the successful launch of the first Regional Workforce Plan we are pleased to present the next set of priorities to support the growth and development of our collective region. These priorities are the Freight, Logistics and Warehousing sector and the Seasonal Elements of the Horticulture industry. Our work underlines the importance of coordinating a regional voice on skills and training needs.
Recent natural events have made us think differently about the effects that climate change has on our economic and social development outcomes. Our workforce needs to be adaptable to this change and this is our contribution.
Ehara taku toa, I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini E!
Katarina Hina and Oriana Paewai
Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Skills Leadership Group Co-Chairs