Co-chair whaiwhakaaro

To reduce Tai Tokerau’s Regional Work Plan to building a workforce of the future would lose the vital elements that it has been built on. There is no denying that this is a fundamental output of our moemoeā.

We need to acknowledge the complex ecosystems that we all operate in. Linear approaches to solving wicked problems will have a similar effect to miscuing a billiard ball. In my view, we are recipients of both the naivety and arrogance of such a playbook. However, this doesn’t mean we don’t throw the “kitchen sink” at “it”. We need to keep an open mind to the many views of what this could be.

Through relationships that care and are invested, we believe we can navigate that journey. Our voyaging Tupuna were clear about the prerequisites that are required to succeed. This higher purpose exists in an environment where we rely on each carrying out specific roles while keeping each other safe. We are seeing this work being included in other Tai Tokerau thought pieces. As we work together, we learn together.

Other than setting a course and being on that journey, The Regional Skills Leadership Group require those seismic shifts in the Tertiary Sector to empower local and regional decision-making. Systems lag is not our friend. Our communities and whanau will disengage if they can’t tangibly touch and feel these changes.

Toa and I wish to thank everyone who has actively contributed and continues to contribute. Also, a big thank you to our Kānoa support team.

Nga manaakitanga

Harry Burkhardt, Co-Chair

Harry Burkhardt


Toa Faneva, Co-Chair

Toa Faneva
