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Regional Workforce Plans
Regional Workforce Plan 2023
- Tohu
- Our vision and focus areas
- Foreword from our co-chairs Daphne Luke and Glenn Barclay
- The labour market environment
- Highlights from the last year
- Regional workforce outlook for our priority sectors
- Our recommendations to the TEC
- The focus for the next 12 months
- Progress update on Year One activities and next steps for the year ahead
- Current Wellington RSLG members
- Regional Workforce Plan 2022
Regional Workforce Plan 2023
The tohu used in this plan was created for the Wellington Regional Workforce Plan by Manukorihi Winiata (Ngāti Raukawa, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa).
The whakatauki is represented by two circles interweaving together – Whero and Pango coming together to get the task complete. Circles are used in this context to communicate oneness, protection and diversity. Kotahitanga.
The blocked sections within the interwoven circles create a sense of multiple pathways, building opportunities throughout the five sub-regions. Manaakitanga.
The koru around the edges represents guidance – an acknowledgment to the training and guidance provided by the Wellington Regional Workforce. Kaitiakitanga.