Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan 2023 – He Mahere mō te Ohu Mahi ā-Rohe
Me mahi tahi mātou, mō te oranga o te katoa.
We shall work together for the betterment of all.
On this page

Cover photography Cheyanne Amai of Talley's Westport, ED Staff courtesy of Te Nikau Grey Hospital and Health Centre, Heifers photographed at Cape Foulwind courtsey of Pāmu Farms and carpentry students courtesy of Tai Poutini Polytechnic.
Our vision | Tā tātou whakakitenga
An innovative and resilient economy delivering opportunities and high-paying jobs for our community/hapori. Caring for our people and our environment is part of who we are and what we are known for.
He ōhanga e hihiri ana, e manawaroa ana e kōkiri ana i ngā āheinga me ngā umanga whai rawa ki tō tātou hapori. He wāhanga nō mātou, kua hau hoki tō mātou rongo mō te kumanu i ō tātou tāngata, i tō tātou hapori anō hoki
This is the web version of the Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan 2023.
Labour and skills for Te Tai o Poutini West Coast – Summary
Download the PDF version:
Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan 2023 [PDF, 2.8 MB]
Labour and skills for Te Tai o Poutini West Coast 2023/2024 – A3 Summary [PDF, 1.2 MB] [PDF, 1.2 MB]
In this section
Labour and skills for Te Tai o Poutini West Coast – Summary
Our Regional workforce Plan 2023.
Co-chairs forward | He kōrero whakataki nā ngā heamana takirua
On behalf of our Te Tai o Poutini Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) we are very pleased to present the refreshed Te Tai o Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan 2023.
Introduction | He kōrero whakataki
Welcome to Te Tai o Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan (RWP) 2023. This is the first annual review of our inaugural RWP 2022.
The labour market environment
Since our 2022 RWP was developed, there has been an improvement in the region’s labour market.
Regional workforce outlook
This is an update on the region’s labour supply and demand for our RWP key focus sectors. Unless otherwise stated, the data is sourced from Infometrics - Industry data for the West Coast region.
Highlights of our region’s achievements
Since the launch of our plan, our focus has turned to implementation. Below are some highlights of our region’s achievements over the past year. A more comprehensive list of progress on our Year one actions can be found in the 'Putting our plan into practice' section.
Priorities for the next 12 months
Our RWP 2022 remains relevant and well targeted and continues to be valid.
Regional skills needs – Tertiary Education Commission advice
The RSLG provided this advice to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) in May 2023 to help guide its investment process and decisions for 2024 funding for the Te Tai o Poutini West Coast region.
Putting our plan into practice
We have made good progress across the nine actions we set out to achieve in Year 1.