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Tourism satellite account 2021

Published: 10 Dec 2021

Tourism satellite account: 2021 provides a picture of the role tourism plays in New Zealand, with information on the changing levels and impact of tourism activity. It presents information on tourism’s contribution to the New Zealand economy in terms of expenditure and employment. Results cover provisional figures for the year ended March 2021 and detailed results for 2020.




PDF, 1.7MB, 93 pages

Appendix D – Taskforce Terms of Reference

Published: 26 Mar 2021

The purpose of the Terms of Reference is to set out the purpose/objective of the New Zealand Tourism Futures Taskforce and provides details on the membership structure. The Terms of Reference also explains the roles of the co-chairs, members of the Taskforce and the Advisory Group and explains the timeframes and reporting needs for the Taskforce.


PDF, 130KB, 5 pages

The Tourism Futures Taskforce interim report

Published: 26 Mar 2021

In June 2020, the Minister of Tourism set up the independent New Zealand Tourism Futures Taskforce (the Taskforce) following the significant change to global travel and tourism in New Zealand as a result of COVID-19. The main purpose of the Taskforce was to advise on what changes New Zealand can make to the tourism system, so that tourism enriches both New Zealand and the wellbeing of New Zealanders. The Taskforce has also made recommendations to address the long-standing productivity, inclusivity and sustainability (environmental, social and economic) issues present in some parts of the tourism sector.




PDF, 7.5MB, 109 pages