Letter in response to OIA question about 111 responses
Published: 9 Aug 2018MBIE's response to an OIA question about how many times police searched for a 111 caller's location and how accurate the GPS location service is.
PDF, 295KB, 2 pages
MBIE's response to an OIA question about how many times police searched for a 111 caller's location and how accurate the GPS location service is.
PDF, 295KB, 2 pages
Briefing to Minister of Research, Science and Innovation on 9 August 2018 to provide advice on options to expedite the transition of Growth Grant recipients onto the R&D Tax Incentive.
PDF, 107KB, 10 pages
Briefing Cabinet Paper to Minister of Research, Science and Innovation seeking approval for the design of the Research and Development (R&D) tax incentive to begin drafting legislation.
PDF, 113KB, 9 pages
The purpose of this document is to provide a high level view of key aspects of the design of the New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS).
PDF, 1.1MB, 46 pages
The Investment Contract template sets the terms and conditions under which funding is provided by MBIE to the contracting organisation.
PDF, 388KB, 33 pages
MBIE's Briefing to Minister of Research, Science and Innovation providing advice on the options for providing support for loss-making firms and the transition arrangements for Growth Grant recipients.
PDF, 123KB, 14 pages
MBIE briefing to the Minister of Research, Science and Innovation seeking agreement on key design features to include in the R&D tax incentive for implementation in 2019.
PDF, 190KB, 31 pages
In late June 2018, officials from Inland Revenue, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and Callaghan Innovation went to Norway and the UK to discuss the R&D tax credit schemes operating in these countries. These countries were chosen for more intensive examination because they have operated a refundable tax credit scheme for over 15 years. This briefing summarises the key findings from the trip.
PDF, 180KB, 12 pages
Questions and answers on the Antactic Science Platform.
PDF, 83KB, 4 pages
Supply agreement Addendum 3 between Sprint International New Zealand and the Crown for Telecommunications Relay Services.
PDF, 121KB, 2 pages
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