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Monitoring the efficiency of building consent processes for new Kāinga Ora public housing - Indepen...

Published: 13 Oct 2022

This report describes the observed efficiency, effectiveness and consistency of the end-to-end building consent processes as they have been applied to new public housing commissioned by Kāinga Ora (as an agent of the Crown). It also provides a baseline for identifying efficiency gains over time through, for example, greater use of ‘MultiProof’ and modular components.




PDF, 2.3MB, 41 pages


Tourism funding toolkit

Published: 16 Aug 2022

Many councils feel strongly that they need to respond to tourism needs, and that in the absence of tools to directly monetise tourism activities, a shortfall or “funding gap” is created that falls on general ratepayers, and impacts on resources available for other services. This toolkit seeks to address some of these concerns and highlights a range of examples of funding tools that have been used by councils across New Zealand to fund tourism related infrastructure.




PDF, 3.1MB, 34 pages