Documents relating to MBIE's use of security guards part 3 of 3
Published: 18 Dec 2018Documents that Energy and Resource Markets provided to the inquiry into the use of security guards - part three of three
PDF, 4.2MB, 184 pages
Documents that Energy and Resource Markets provided to the inquiry into the use of security guards - part three of three
PDF, 4.2MB, 184 pages
This 2-page factsheet provides a summary of proposals to increase protections for consumers against unfair commercial practices.
PDF, 322KB, 2 pages
Seeks feedback on proposals to increase protections for businesses and consumers against unfair commercial practices
PDF, 957KB, 50 pages
Between December 2017 and September 2018, an internal panel in MBIE of people outside of the system conducted an assessment of the consumer and commercial regulatory system. This document presents the findings.
PDF, 364KB, 33 pages
Seeks agreement to release a discussion document on whether existing protections for both businesses and consumers against unfair commercial practices need to be strengthened.
PDF, 59KB, 7 pages
This report looked at liability costs imposed on BCAs in negligence cases, including what proportion of building consents resulted in a dispute, how often BCAs are the ‘last party standing’, and the total amount of damages arising from building defect cases over the last 10 years.
PDF, 560KB, 40 pages
The Labour Inspectorate's letter to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment dated 14 August 2018 about the calculations used in the MBIE Payroll Remediation Project relating to the Holidays Act 2003.
PDF, 56KB, 1 page
This paper sought approval to use government procurement to support additional outcomes, focusing on four priority areas.
PDF, 897KB, 21 pages
Cabinet minute (CAB-18-MIN-0516.01) from 23 October 2018, for the proposal to use government procurement to support additional outcomes, focusing on four priority areas
PDF, 155KB, 3 pages
A report on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's (MBIE) work over 2017-2018.
PDF, 11MB, 170 pages
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