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Utility-scale solar forecast in Aotearoa New Zealand

Published: 12 Aug 2020

This study contributes to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s development of the Electricity Demand and Generation Scenarios (EDGS). It does so by providing a forecast of potential utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar electricity generation in New Zealand, with accompanying detailed information such as size, location, and cost of each project.




PDF, 3MB, 85 pages

Energy factsheet

Published: 3 Jun 2020

The Energy Factsheet presents a high-level view of New Zealand’s electricity demand, oil stocks, retail fuel sales, and gas use and production. Using a combination of MBIE’s existing energy data and additional real-time or near-real-time indicators, this factsheet provides insight into how the country’s energy consumption habits have changed as a result of COVID-19.


PDF, 337KB, 4 pages

Submission template - Regulations under a Fuel Industry Bill and other matters

Published: 17 Mar 2020

Submissions template for feedback on the proposed content of regulations under a Fuel Industry Bill relating to wholesale fuel market arrangements, consumer information and information disclosure and monitoring, and on options for a regulatory backstop regime to be included in legislation at a later date.


DOCX, 45KB, 12 pages

Consultation paper: Regulations under Fuel Industry Bill and other matters

Published: 17 Mar 2020

Consultation document seeking feedback on the proposed content of regulations under a Fuel Industry Bill relating to wholesale fuel market arrangements, consumer information and information disclosure and monitoring, and on options for a regulatory backstop regime to be included in legislation at a later date.


PDF, 1.1MB, 53 pages