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Consumer Protection: Quarterly report July-September 2020

Published: 24 Nov 2020

This is Consumer Protection’s quarter one (Q1) report covering data from 1 July – 30 September 2020. The report presents information on the issues that consumers contacted the MBIE service centre about, and any change from the previous quarter. Consumer enquiries reported to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) are also presented.




PDF, 1.5MB, 20 pages

MBIE's gender pay action plan

Published: 30 Sept 2020

The Government has committed to addressing the gender pay gap in the Public Service. MBIE's Gender Pay Action Plan is broken down into 4 key phases and reflects the MBIE Values. This plan sets out the progress MBIE has made to date and the next steps in their journey.




PDF, 1.2MB, 20 pages

Consumer Protection: Quarterly report April-June 2020

Published: 25 Sept 2020

This is Consumer Protection’s quarter four (Q4) report covering data from 1 April – 30 June 2020. The report presents information on the issues that consumers contacted the MBIE service centre about, and any change from the previous quarter. Consumer enquiries reported to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) are also presented.




PDF, 841KB, 24 pages