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Discussion paper: Operational governance for trans-Tasman e-Invoicing framework

Published: 17 Oct 2018

This paper provides information about the trans-Tasman electronic invoicing (e-Invoicing) collaboration and seeks feedback on early thinking about operational governance options for trans-Tasman e-Invoicing arrangements. The feedback we receive will inform the further development of options and related advice to Australian and New Zealand (A-NZ) governments.


PDF, 616KB, 12 pages

Electricity Price Review analysis of retail billing data

Published: 15 Oct 2018

This paper is a companion to the review’s first report. It contains an analysis of 50 million individual power bills provided by New Zealand’s nine largest retailers. It explores average bills; differences across socio-economic groups; savings available to customers from switching to cheaper offers; pre-pay compared to standard (post-pay) supply terms; and the effect of low fixed charge regulations.


PDF, 710KB, 30 pages
